Ganralph ArtistArt with real parts of the Shroud of Turin and real parts of the cross on which Jesus has been crucified on.
Pope Clement XII and Pope Benedict XIVPope Clement XII and Pope Benedict XIV started a very special project in the 18th century.
They extracted parts of the Shroud of Turin...
Expert Michael Hesemann CSC, OEBDCThe internationally acknowledged expert Michael Hesemann CSC, OEBDC confirmed the authenticity of this part of the Shroud of Turin and that...
Certificate of authenticityThe Roman Catholic Church issued this certificate of authenticity to ensure that the true cross relics which are used in this project are...
Certificate of authenticityThe Roman Catholic Church issued this certificate of authenticity to ensure that the relics of Saint Paul which are used in this project...
The Shroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin
is radiating a very special energy
It is the shroud in which Jesus Christ was wrapped in the tomb when he resurrected...
Shrouf of Turin (negative)This light of life is real. When Jesus resurrected, this most powerful light radiated from his body and created an amazing image of him on...
Ganralph RelicArtArtworks with precious first class relics of the Shroud of Turin.